Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Let's take the Journey of Weight Loss Together

Have you been struggling with weight loss? If so this is the blog for you. Here we will research different weight loss programs. Not just diets but also we will dive into different types of exercises that help get us into the shape we all dream about. We realize not everybody is the same. What may work for one may not work for another. So with that in mind why only focus on one type of weight loss program. Some of us are able to jump right in and do aerobics or weight training to tone our bodies while other's may not be there just yet. Let's all get together and share what we know has worked and what hasn't while bearing in mind if it did not work for you it might work for someone else. So jump right in and share what you know. Ask the question's you want to ask. If we all work together we can and will make this happen. We will all once again be healthy and we will have the body and life we dreamed of always having. Make sure to check out the links I have added. Maybe one will be just what you have been looking for. Make sure to leave feed back on what you think and tell your friends about this blog. I have found that weight loss is the one thing that support and understanding is the one thing people don't tend to give. People are always willing to tell us we need to lose weight, or laugh at the "big fat" person but support us in this struggle is not something we get. So lets turn the page on negativity and support each other. The more people we have here supporting each other the better chance we have of reaching our goal. Remember if you are struggling let us know so we can let you know we care and we want you to make it through this challenge in your life. Good Luck on Your Weight Loss Journey TG

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