Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weight "loss" update

Sorry it has been a couple of days since I have been able to write. But that is my life constantly moving and running. Between family members coming in and children needing to be taken here and there I have not been able to log in. So anyway, enough of that. My weight loss journey is not going well. Maybe I should call it my weight "gain" journey. I have gained over 10 pounds since the first of the year. I guess trying to lose weight and quitting smoking does not mix. For anyone who does not believe that quitting smoking will make you gain weight I am here to say.....Yes It Can!! I know why I am gaining weight and let me point out that I am not saying that because I quit smoking I gained weight. My problem is because I am not smoking I am eating. Oh Lord help me stop. You see before I quit smoking I had lost around 80 pounds. I had set rules for myself. Only 1 coke per day, no eating after 9 pm, eat smaller amounts. All of this worked, I even started exercises too. Oh and not to forget because I really feel this helped, I was going to a tanning salon 2 to 3 times a week. Well now since I quit smoking I have stopped drinking coke all together during the week and only one on Saturday Mornings. But..... I find myself eating more and more. Not a lot at a time, but a little here and a little there. The no eating after 9 pm ... gone, working out.... stopped, tanning 2 to 3 times a week ... not happening. I have got to find a way to pull myself back together and make this work. I have to re-motivate myself and start working out, watch what I eat and when. Before this Journey falls to the wayside I have to make sure it becomes a never ending journey that takes a lifetime. TG

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Diet Programs

Which ones have you tried. I have tried numerous ones. I will say this some have really helped and some did nothing for me. I have been looking into Medifast though and have heard some really interesting information on them. It has been on the market for over 25 years which has to say something in my opinion. They have over 50 different meals which includes anything from shakes to soups, and even chili. Now having chili this time of year is really great. Have you tried Medifast? What do you think about the program? Would love some feed back. TG Too Busy to Lose Weight? 1 Free Week of Medifast.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Weight Loss Program that is for You

During any one year, over half of all Americans go on a diet to lose weight. For many people, it is difficult to lose more than a few pounds and few succeed in remaining at the reduced weight. The difficulty in losing weight and keeping it off leads many people to turn to a professional or commercial weight-loss program for help. When considering joining a weight-loss program, choose wisely. Almost any of the commercial weight-loss programs can work, but only if they motivate you sufficiently to decrease the amount of calories you eat or increase the amount of calories you burn through physical activity each day (or both). What Should I Look for in a Weight-Loss Program? Make sure it is safe. Whether you create your own program or use a commercial one, make sure it is safe. A safe diet should include all of the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals and protein. The weight-loss diet should be low in calories (energy) only, not in essential vitamins or minerals. Slow steady weight-loss. The program should be directed toward slow, steady weight loss unless your doctor feels your health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss. Expect to lose only about a pound a week after the first week or two. With many calorie-restricted diets, there is an initial rapid weight loss during the first 1 to 2 weeks, but this loss is largely fluid. The initial rapid loss of fluid also is regained rapidly when you return to a normal-calorie diet. Thus, a reasonable goal of weight loss should be expected. If you plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds, have any health problems, or take medication on a regular basis, your doctor should evaluate you before you start a program. A doctor can assess your general health and medical conditions that might be affected by dieting and weight-loss. Also, a doctor should be able to recommend appropriate programs and help you come up with a sensible weight-loss goal. If you plan to use a very-low-calorie diet, you definitely should be examined and monitored by a doctor. Another thing to look for in a weight loss program is the program should include plans for weight maintenance after the weight-loss phase is over. It is of little benefit to lose a large amount of weight only to regain it. Weight maintenance is the most difficult part of controlling weight and is not consistently implemented in weight-loss programs. The program you select should help you improve your dietary habits, increase your physical activity, and help you change other lifestyle habits that may have contributed to your weight gain in the past. Being overweight is too often viewed as a temporary problem that can be treated for a few months with a strenuous diet. However, as most overweight people know, weight control must be considered a life-long effort. To be safe and effective, any weight-loss program must address the long-term approach or else the program is largely a waste of money and effort. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I found this article from WebMD website. I thought it had a lot a good information and wanted to share it with you.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Let's take the Journey of Weight Loss Together

Have you been struggling with weight loss? If so this is the blog for you. Here we will research different weight loss programs. Not just diets but also we will dive into different types of exercises that help get us into the shape we all dream about. We realize not everybody is the same. What may work for one may not work for another. So with that in mind why only focus on one type of weight loss program. Some of us are able to jump right in and do aerobics or weight training to tone our bodies while other's may not be there just yet. Let's all get together and share what we know has worked and what hasn't while bearing in mind if it did not work for you it might work for someone else. So jump right in and share what you know. Ask the question's you want to ask. If we all work together we can and will make this happen. We will all once again be healthy and we will have the body and life we dreamed of always having. Make sure to check out the links I have added. Maybe one will be just what you have been looking for. Make sure to leave feed back on what you think and tell your friends about this blog. I have found that weight loss is the one thing that support and understanding is the one thing people don't tend to give. People are always willing to tell us we need to lose weight, or laugh at the "big fat" person but support us in this struggle is not something we get. So lets turn the page on negativity and support each other. The more people we have here supporting each other the better chance we have of reaching our goal. Remember if you are struggling let us know so we can let you know we care and we want you to make it through this challenge in your life. Good Luck on Your Weight Loss Journey TG