Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weight "loss" update

Sorry it has been a couple of days since I have been able to write. But that is my life constantly moving and running. Between family members coming in and children needing to be taken here and there I have not been able to log in. So anyway, enough of that. My weight loss journey is not going well. Maybe I should call it my weight "gain" journey. I have gained over 10 pounds since the first of the year. I guess trying to lose weight and quitting smoking does not mix. For anyone who does not believe that quitting smoking will make you gain weight I am here to say.....Yes It Can!! I know why I am gaining weight and let me point out that I am not saying that because I quit smoking I gained weight. My problem is because I am not smoking I am eating. Oh Lord help me stop. You see before I quit smoking I had lost around 80 pounds. I had set rules for myself. Only 1 coke per day, no eating after 9 pm, eat smaller amounts. All of this worked, I even started exercises too. Oh and not to forget because I really feel this helped, I was going to a tanning salon 2 to 3 times a week. Well now since I quit smoking I have stopped drinking coke all together during the week and only one on Saturday Mornings. But..... I find myself eating more and more. Not a lot at a time, but a little here and a little there. The no eating after 9 pm ... gone, working out.... stopped, tanning 2 to 3 times a week ... not happening. I have got to find a way to pull myself back together and make this work. I have to re-motivate myself and start working out, watch what I eat and when. Before this Journey falls to the wayside I have to make sure it becomes a never ending journey that takes a lifetime. TG